Monday, April 21, 2008


But different now things are. Expect more from movies the audience does. The pressure on Master Lucas must have been great, hmmmm. Evolution the films have seen. Increasingly fast they are; hold attention they must (Choi 150). To captivate is what they seek through unending auditory and visual stimuli, yes (150-151). Captivate the brain, yes (151). Biological the attraction is. Accustomed to attention being kept always the audience has become, accustomed to overflow of brain stimuli. Learning the movie companies are. More appealing is fiction over documentary, pictorial over abstract, fast-paced over slow, hmmm (150). Old narrative films too boring, yes, too slow even with great promotion and funding (151). When more action one has seen, more boring anything less appears. Evolution of expectations of the brain the audience has experienced.

Not only biological the change is. Cultural it is as well. Cartoon company leader knows faster and younger are our young padawans growing older (Tracy A27). More fast-paced the cartoons have become over time. Accustomed to "savvy entertainment" or entertainment that "is a bit more live-action" they are, yes (Tracy A27). Prompted the company is to expand into more live-action cartoons, for competitive the market is (Tracy A27). More fast-paced society is becoming every day. "I sense much fear in you" (Star Wars I). For kids the new episodes are directed? Think so some may, but even young padawans seek more action than used to be.

One more expectation the audience of today has: media competition. More competitive entertainment has become. More places to find it there are. The creators of film must offer something more than iPods, Wi-Fi laptops, Xboxes, and Bluetooth phones, yes (2). Feel it to be the "blood-and-guts demands of show business" many do (1). Seen as a "revolution" of technology it is (2). Many more options the audience has. More expensive than ever it has become, yet entertainment more divided than ever (2). Worse I fear it will become, for "always in motion is the future" (Star Wars V).

Gone the days are when creators could create as "boys building model planes," yes (Wolff n.p.). Freedom to create there was, but now is not (Wolff n.p.). Sad it is, the fate of the new movies, but why see a movie Master Lucas knows: special effects, hmmmm, yes (Lee 103). Great pressure is never gone from an animator of Star Wars, no. No question should there be of what something is; photo-real they must be as artist, Church, reveals (Wolff). Much pressure it is, for expect it the audience does (Wolff). Fear of the audience is not wise. "Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering" (Star Wars I).

Master Lucas tried to make real the scenes, "insisted on rust and dents," yes, wanted reality the audience to see (Wolff). Wanted consistency with old movies he also did. But airbrushed the future is not. Star Wars the future is not. A galaxy far, far away it is, and long time ago (Wolff n.p.). Real-looking it is. Warned Master Lucas should have been. "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will" (Star Wars V). A quest for animating perfection is impossible to complete, hmmm, but perfection the audience expects. A careful but required path they walked, for go too far and the audience believes not the film (Wolff n.p.), but go not far enough and unsatisfied the audience becomes.

But many changes there were. "Lost [consistency] Master [Lucas] has. How embarrassing" (Star Wars II). New possibilities and new expectations for constant and amazing effects a great divide did create. "Unprecedented feats" the characters could now perform, yes; the droids and the puppets were no longer inhibited by lack of technology (Wolff n.p.), hmmmmm (compare clip 4 to clip 9 now). Create a divide in the movies it did. Men in suits and puppets no more were used, animator Chiang reveals (Wolff n.p.) (compare clip 5 to clip 8 now). Fast-paced they could make me as well, but different I was (watch clip 10 now).

Even design droids too thin for a body inside they tried (Wolff n.p.). Hmph. "Luminous beings are we. Not this crude matter" of computer pixels (Star Wars V). Confuse original themes the new technology did. Line between nature and technology greatly blurred, I fear. Good and bad distorted as well. Love… mmm… love no longer overshadowed; main theme it becomes. Disturbing these changes are. To Obiwan you listen!

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