I sensed a disturbance in the theme of nature and technology during episodes 1-3. It is as the transformation of Anakin to Darth Vader. From a certain point of view (mine), technology seems to have overtaken the Jedi council from the beginning of episodes 1-3. Remember their place of gathering. Remember the tower. Around them flew thousands upon thousands of space-cruisers and speeders through the great city on Coruscant. The Jedi in episodes 4-6 were in nature. They were fast enough and strong enough to do well in a city or a spaceport, but they were, as I said before, in nature: Tatooine’s deserts, Yavin 4’s forests, Hoth’s tundra. But right in the middle of a big city? The Jedi? Yoda once said, “Life creates it.” Surrounded by technological wonders in episodes 1-3, the Jedi rely upon them, like Yoda on his hoverchair in the council room. Luke knew where Bespin was as a partially trained Jedi. But I, a Master, relied upon computers in episode 2 just to find a planet. That’s what the Dark Side did in episodes 4-6! I shouldn’t have needed a computer. I wouldn’t even have thought of trying that. I should have just trusted my feelings like Yoda and the Padowans did just after that foolish mistake.
In episode 1, before the great Pod Race, Qui-Gon Jinn told Anakin to trust his feelings, to use the Force as he races in his pod against Sebulba and the other constestants. However, while Anakin promises, “I will,” to Qui-Gon, we are never shown that Anakin relies on the Force during the Pod-race. Neither does he mention later having felt the force during the race. This is in total contradiction to Luke’s use of the Force as an untrained Jedi in episode 4. In a perfect moment when the force should have been used, when there was potential to make the films consistent and mirror each other, Master Lucas failed.
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